Eclectic Closet Litblog, Book Reviews & Knitting Designs

A litblog dedicated to book reviews/recommendations, as well as literary and publishing news. Now enhanced with knitting designs.

Day 14 – The Mad Dash begins


I managed two repeats last night but that means I’m going to have to ramp up the knitting a bit this weekend if I want to finish. The scarf is going to be gorgeous – I can’t wait to see it blocked.

I have a fair bit of writing to do this weekend also. I have to finish up my review of Big Girl Knits (which is fabulous by the way) so I can get it posted. Amy and Jillian have done a fantastic job of pulling together great information.

Stay tuned for the review and scarf photo as I begin my last minute dash to the finish line.

Day 12 – Panic Sets In for this Knitting Olympics Competitor


Unfortunately I still don’t have a digital camera to provide an update photo. However, with 4 days left of official competition, my lovely lace scarf is just over half-way. I will have to up my output to 3 lace repeats per day to finish in time. (Currently my knitting time has been limited to 1 sixteen row lace repeat per day)

Darn work is interfering with my knitting yet again! I’ll try and get a photo up before the closing ceremonies anyway.

What horrible Edward Gorey Death will you die?


Found this fabulous quiz today (thanks to the Melanoma Uberalis blog)

You will swallow some tacks. You are a little weird, maybe not so much in a good way. Buy a yellow tie and wear it on your head.

I’m a huge Edward Gorey fan, in fact I have several images gracing the bulletin board to my left. My favourite Gashly Crumb Tiny is N is for Neville who died of ennui – which has pride of place on said bulletin board.

Now to go find that yellow tie…

Olympic Update, Lace Knitting – Day 7


If I follow the pattern, this little scarf has 22 repeats but since I am using a thinner yarn, I may need to do 26 – 30 repeats. I have finished 6 of the requisite 22 repeats. I have a feeling I am way behind on this and right now my scarf is looking a bit beat up from all the frogging. (I’ve been told that lace doesn’t come into its glory until the blocking stage so I have hopes).

I hope to have a picture to add after the weekend. I am still madly in love with the yarn and colour.

Go Team Canada! (posted originally on Team Canada blog)

Check this out!


Heather, I think this might be us next weekend! Grab that bottle of Creme de Cacao and head on over…

Here’s the Olympic Drinking Game found on the quacking fiber addict’s blog (created with help from Rebekkah and Natalie). What a hoot…

Olympics Day Two or I’m hitting my stride


Progress has been made and the knitting is settling into a bit of a rhythm! After a few early spills (see yesterday’s post), I have hit my stride. Today I managed to add 3 inches to my scarf – 56 inches to go.

Why did I pick lace? Or Day One of Olympics Knitting


I missed the opening ceremony cast-on by about 8 hours but I managed to cast on Ziggy in the brighter yarn and knit the 5 garter stitch rows and 2 rows of lace on the 10th. 7 rows and I frogged twice on the FIRST ROW of the lace pattern. Why did I pick lace for Olympic knitting?

Day One of Olympics – Watched Jennifer Heil win gold and men’s 5,000 m speed skating. In several hours I:
a) completed 8 rows of lace
b) frogged out one row three times before realizing I had somehow lost a stitch!
c) frogged a total of 6 rows
d) managed not to throw the knitting across the room
e) discovered the joys of knitting with Brittany needles
f) decided I need to join this team for even thinking I should knit lace for the Olympics

I may never be able to go back to knitting anything but alpaca/cashmere! The feeling of the yarn is divine. *sigh*

Fun with IKEA and Ibsen


Hmm…I think I’ve spent too much time at IKEA (or too much time looking at the wierd names of things) if I scored 19/30 on the IKEA/Ibsen test. I’m assuming it is the IKEA side since I haven’t read much Ibsen (it’s somewhere in Mt. TBR). Have you ever wondering if they just drop a bunch of kids magnetic letters on the floor and pick the names from that?

Thanks to for the laugh – highly needed today.

Training Techniques for Olympic Knitting


This post by Beadlizard is fantastic! She has captured so many of the helpful hits and put them in training terms. Now to actually follow them.

Rather a blue day…but need to find time to do my swatching before Friday.

Scarf Bonanza


I’m currently on a scarf kick – perhaps because I’m procrastinating on finishing the &*%! sweater for my Grandmother. It’s a Sirdar pattern as I mentioned earlier – in their denim yarn. I think with all the frogging I’ve knit the thing three times now. I took an in progress photo of it this weekend (I apologize for the picture quality) but I keep picking up other “short” projects so I don’t have to work on it. (It’s only been in progress 2 years now) I reworked the pattern to get a better fit for my Grandmother but without really knowing what I was doing hence the difficulty and repeated frogging. I’m in the home stretch now with the sleeves (working both at the same time) but can barely face working on it.
So as I said, I’m in the midst of a scarf bonanza – all for me! I finished the one started a few weeks ago and have moved on to my Baby Monkey scarf (grey, brown and acid green mix), a ribbon one made out of Incredible (copper penny colourway) and some gorgeous yarn from Poco that is creating a truly sparkly, drappy scarf.

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My Knitting Patterns

Audrey II

Angular Path Scarf

Cartouche Stole

Fossetta Cowl

Fossetta Hat

Sargaço Shawl

Whitman Hat

Every Which Way Cowl

Every Which Way Hat

Every Which Way Fingerless Mitts

Gothic Forest Scarf

Valencia Scarf

Branching Path Cowl

Flower Bell Stole

Whitman Cowl

New Tech Cowl

Vieux Carré Stole

Stacks Socks

Anna Perenna Shawlette

Taming of the Fox

Don't Ask Y

Cantilevering Leaves

Amplification Stole

Combs Cowl

Mindfulness Cowl

Tipsy Scarf

Gridwork Scarf
Ravelry Free Download